It's just me Shelly

Revelry....this book blew me AWAY!!

Revelry - Teambella23





"It's a f*cked up feeling to love someone so f*cking much that you let them f*ck with your head in order to save theirs."


This book is not an easy read it's cruel and harsh.....but it's real and that's why I LOVE it!!





It's a boy meets girl book and they fall in love, they use each other and form a tight bond to make up for the lack of affection they receive from their rich parents. Now I say boy meets girl and falls in sounds sweet...huh?


It's not!!! Their story is far from shows how recreational drug use can eventually turn you into a monster and YOU will destroy everything in your life.


E's demon was a bitch.....constantly calling his name.....


"It's a beautiful creature really, so f*cking enticing. Cocaine is the sweetest whore, a fucking home wrecking slut but she is beautiful and a small part of me will always love the murderous bitch. Coke was there for me in the sickest f*cking way. I might always be grateful to her for that."


The only thing he loved more, was Bella, she was his obsession....and Bella's obsession was Edward!! They live and breathe for each other but they also destroy one another at the same time. However B isn't innocent in this either she's a cutter, and she uses it to control him.


“People have strong feelings against self-injurers.......There is something beautiful about scars of all nature… a scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed and done with.”




He's the only one that knows she does this......and it tears him apart. He uses the drugs to escape and the cycle begins! I could go on and on about's by far one of the best books I've read!!! It's tragic and beautiful at the same time.


These two are soul mates...even through all the shit that they suffered they were always "home" when they were together. This book has such a beautiful proves that people can go through the bad shit and still come out HARMED but's just perfect!!! The ending isn't over the top but it's just as it should REAL life....a struggle but a good one!!


Healed but not perfect....but nobody is perfect!



This a note from the me if you can't tolerate what she wrote do not read this book!! "If you have a problem with rough sex, drug use, crude language, cutting, death, or stepmoms fucking their stepsons, move on. Seriously, I took the abuse with Closer but I will not take it here. Revelry and my other two stories are for the hard core, we don't play with bullshit here. We all appreciate a little romance, but we won't be looking at the stars at the same time around here.


So there is your warning, take it or leave it"

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Reblogged from Miss Construed's Reviews

If you like SAD books...this is the book for YOU!

Falling Into You - Jasinda Wilder









"I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first.”






This book was the absolute saddest "f"ing book I've ever READ!!!! Let me repeat myself.......THE SADDEST book I've EVER read!!!!! This book is going to be very hard for me to review because honestly, I don't like sad ALL!!! So I'm going to start with a general description and then I will get to my feelings on this book.


This book is about Colton and Nell. In the beginning Nell was young, a 16 year old girl, and in love with Kyle but that came to a crashing halt due to a fatal freak accident. Nell being a child herself had a very difficult time dealing with this because not only was Kyle her boyfriend but he had also been her best friend since they were children.



Colton was Kyle's older brother, he left home after high school due to expectations that he couldn't meet or decided that he wasn't going to meet and made a life of his own on NYC. They meet for the first time at Kyle's funeral and they both recognize something in each other....but they aren't quite sure what that is.


“But Colton is…I’m safe with him. He draws the truth out of me. He draws the pain out of me. Colton knows pain. He’s intimately familiar with it. Lives with it. Guilt too.”


So they meet again accidentally in NYC, Colton is a musician and he plays for the love of music not the money and Nell just happens to see him playing in Central Park...and that's when THEIR story begins.



It's a painful story on both their parts and painful for totally different reasons. They do eventually bare all their emotional baggage to one sad story at a time. They end up being each others true solace and it's beautiful watching it unfold........IF you like sad books!!


It really is beautiful watching them heal each other and the music ends up being their escape.


“We understand each other, Nelly. We’ve both lost someone we love. We both have scars and regrets and anger. We can do this together." “ have to be okay. You have to let yourself heal and move on. You’re stuck in the moment of his death, right now. Locked into a cycle with no way out. You have to break the cycle."




My Thoughts

Let me start this by saying that this is a great book for people who enjoy THIS kind of book. The book it's self is wonderful, great story line, great characters.....I'm just the WRONG person to read it! I hate sad ass books..........and this is a tear jerker! Ok enough I'm done.........this book was sad.......sad as hell!!!!!!


Nothing and I mean NOTHING went right for these two people!! When you think of a sad book you hope that maybe, just maybe in the end something will work out........and I guess one thing did for them BUT that's thing!!!!!


Some of the book didn't even make sense to me because of the high profile careers their parents I know it's fiction and if you write it well enough I don't care if aliens are buying milk at a gas station but if bothers me! This particular thing bothered me, really bad!!! I'm going to stop now because part of my issue is I don't like this type of book but I will say that the book was good and I can understand why MANY people enjoyed it, however it just wasn't the book for me.


That being said I gave it 3 stars because of personal preference but if you like this style of book 4-5 stars definitely! I'm not even going to tell you who recommended this book to me....but you know who you are woman!!!!! This book to me, was her Cam...just so you know:))))))) I'm glad I read this book because I know life's not always about roses and rainbows....there is pain and suffering.......but damn!!!!!


I'm done.............READ it you may LOVE it!!!!!!!

Dusty by Yellowbella

Dusty - YellowBella,  TeamBella23,  YellowGlue





"Our love is not perfect. Our love is f*cked up and bleeding, but it's the most precious thing in my entire life. I treat it like shit, but it is what it is, and neither one of us is powerful enough to walk away from it like we should."





This book is about obsession........two people so obsessed with each other that they ruin EVERYthing and EVERYone they come in contact with. They've been doing it for years and years.......LIES upon LIES...... This book is CRAZY!!!!! CRAZY good....CRAZY bad...CRAZY messed up...CRAZY in love...CRAZY destructive...CRAZY angsty!!!!



FYI........This book is the MOTHER LOAD of ANGST!!!!! I HATE this book...............but I LOVE it at the same time!!!!!!!


I feel like this book and these characters have crawled inside me and now take up residence within me!!!! It's soooooo consuming!!!! It's a Twilight shouldn't be this crazy and consuming....however only the names are the same. NOTHING ELSE!




This book is AMAZING.......this book SUCKS!!!!!!! I realize that it's confusing but that's how I felt the entire time reading made me sick at times but I COULDN'T STOP!!!!!!



This book is about RUIN.... How drugs and lies and deceit will ruin you..........eventually. How they corrupt everything in their path of destruction.





This book is about choices.........some people make good choices and others DON'T!!!



I hate this book. I LOVE this book. This is probably one of the best books I've read in a LONG time!!!!!



But I hate I love it!!! 1700 pages later and I wish I was still reading it.....I didn't want it to END!!!!!!!!


OMG it's a YouTube video about this book......PERFECT!

One of my most favorite books EVER!!

Natural Born Charmer  - Susan Elizabeth Phillips







"It wasn’t every day a guy saw a headless beaver marching down the side of a road, not even in Dean Robillard’s larger-than-life world. “Son of a…” Dean slammed on the brakes of his brand-new Aston Martin Vanquish and pulled over in front of her."






That's where Dean Robillard meets Blue Bailey. In a headless beaver costume walking down a deserted highway and his life was forever changed when he offered her a ride....for better or for worse he's still not quite sure.


You see Dean's a pretty boy, he's a NFL star quarterback, gorgeous, has impeccible style and is obviously rich...he's also used to getting everything he wants.....or so we think. However, just because you have money doesn't mean your life is perfect.


"True, there were the gay boots and those stunning good looks. But, even so, he blasted enough heterosexual mega-wattage to light up the entire female population. Which he’d undoubtedly been doing since he shot out of the birth canal, glimpsed his reflection in the obstetrician’s eyeglasses, and gave the world a high five."


Now Blue is his complete opposite in every way. She's an artist with a sarcastic attitude, she's broke, has no taste in clothes because she could care less about fashion. She wears her combat boots with everything and half the time she looks like a rag tag hobo......which drives him crazy.


"But he’d lost interest in food. “Don’t you own anything pink?” She looked down at her bike shorts and camouflage T-shirt. “What’s wrong with this?” “Nothing, if you’re planning to invade Cuba.” She shrugged. “I’m not into clothes.” “Now there’s a surprise.” She pretended to think it over. “If you really want to see me in pink, I guess I could borrow something from you.”





Very reluctantly and after a lot of cursing and griping Blue agrees to go with him to his farm and check on the progress of the renovations. As the weeks wear on these two grow closer and closer but I hope you don't think it's going to be that easy? Because it's not!!!! I forgot to say Blue is VERY stubborn and she doesn't take handouts from no one, She is so proud even though she's flat broke...she's absolutely one of my most favorite female characters....mouthy and proud!! Dean's no push over either, so watching the two of them maneuver each other is fascinating.





This book is so much more than just a love story. There are family issues and trying to rebuild parental relationships that were destroyed in the past. Overcoming the emotional damage that it has caused to everyone involved.......just beautiful is all I can say!!


I could ramble on about this book FOREVER but I'm not going to bore you to death. This is the second time I've read this book and I will say I LOVED it even more this time around!!!! This is one of my most favorite books EVER written!!!!!!!!!


It could be read as a stand alone but I think you would benefit from reading the entire series. The rest of the series is good too but this is my fav:))))

Unattainable  - Madeline Sheehan












“Dimples. They were going to be the motherfucking death of me.”






Damn them dimples!!!!!!!!! But shit...who am I kidding I couldn't have denied Cage if I tried!!!! Tegen she's loved him since childhood........hard core biker or banker or whatever job you want to insert.....when you know you love someone you know!!!


However you may not be happy about it!!!!!!! It is what it is...hahahahaha!


Tegan is crazy...she's a fireball!!! She hates that she loves Cage, after what happened to her Mother in the previous book she also hates the biker lifestyle.






I liked her ALOT because she spoke what was on her mind....she did NOT care who's feelings it hurt. I liked her honesty and fact that she truly didn't mind pissing everyone off to get her point across.



Cage is a bad boy so OF course I lurveeeeed him!!!!! I LOVED his filthy mouth and his fits of jealousy when he finds out who Tegen has been living with in San Francisco! Let's just say our man Cage is not a happy about it!!


This what Tegen thought of Cage....


"He became the cockiest, most self-centered, self-serving, egotistical, narcissistic, and depraved motherfucker I’d ever met in my entire life. Which, when I think back on it, is probably why I fell even more in love with him."


YES COME TO MOMMA!!!!! I love those type of men!!!!!


Tegen usually drove him insane but he kept coming back for more!!


“Fuck, he loved her. He fucking loved the shit out of her. She was crazy. She was loud and demanding and meaner than hell sometimes. She didn’t listen to a damn thing he said, she did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted to do it, and the bitch loved to fight. All the damn time. Face slapping, shin kicking, balls to the wall, knock-down-and-drag-out fights. But she fought like she loved. Hard”






There is another storyline in this book...Dirty and Elie's. I wasn't very excited about that when I first started reading this book. However those two really grew on me and I ended up loving them!!! It didn't overtake Tegen and Cage's story and that was my biggest fear. There's been a lot of books lately where the secondary story takes over the whole damn book!


The first 30% of this book was ok and that scared me because I always expect great things from this series....however to me nothing will be as good as Undeniable! You don't get a character like Frankie in just any book I will never forget that crazy ass for as long as I live!!! Ok let me move 50-55% this book, to me, became a page TURNER!!!


I was laughing, I wanted to punch people, I wanted to slap Duece right in the FACE!!! These are all the emotions I love to feel when reading.  


So all in all great addition to this series!!



By the way I saw on facebook that Dorothy, Jase and Hawk's book will be next.......all three interesting:))))))

How To Make Wallpaper Static

Thanks to Elspeth the Totally Awesome for alerting me to this.



So you're new to Booklikes, or you're not that adventurous, and you're stuck with one of the three basic themes.


You can upload wallpaper through customising your theme.


But hang on a minute! The wallpaper is repeating down the page! And it's half light and half dark and some of my grey text is getting lost in it! I CAN'T READ THE PAGE. It's all the wallpaper's fault!


Stress not, dear one! Elspeth's Ephemeral Musings alerted me on how to 'fix' your wallpaper so the text glides over it and the same picture stays:


Go to settings>blog>theme:customize>edit HTML

...find this:


{% if customize.colorTitle %}h1.header-title a { color: {{ customize.colorTitle }}; }{% endif %}
{% if %}body { background: url("{{ }}") 0 0 fixed; }{% endif %} 
{{ customize.css }}


See where it says 'fixed', it's usually 'repeat'. Just change it to fixed and it will make your wallpaper stationary.

You have to do it individually for each page of your profile. Shelf, timeline etc



Go forth my lovelies, and customise your wallpaper!

Reblogged from Litchick's Hit List
Unattainable  - Madeline Sheehan

So far I'm liking this one much better than I thought I would!!!!!

Easy Tips for Customizing Your BookLikes Blog

On the top of your homepage you’ll notice your navigation bar.




This will bring up your Settings page.



Now Scroll down a bit until you see this:




That’s going to bring up the template customization page. In the upper left hand corner, you’ll see this:



Once that is done, beneath the above posted menu you can scroll down. Do so until you find this:








Now comes the fun part, making that image static. Click on the Edit HTML button.



This is going to split your screen, with your blog showing below and the code window at the top. Don’t freak out. Scroll down through the code until you find these lines:



Now, where you see the green word ‘repeat’, replace that with ‘fixed’. It should now look like this:






Okay, so as you’ll notice in the screenshot above there’s a drop down menu with the word Blog selected. In order to assure that your background is fixed for all your pages you have to select that drop down and repeat the code change for each one listed:






Good luck, everyone. Hope this helps! 



Reblogged from Geri's Ever After Romance

Just messing around trying to figure this site out:)

Thief (Love Me With Lies, #3)

Thief - Tarryn Fisher

OMG this book was soooooo GOOD!!!!!!


“Olivia. I’ve lost her three times. The first was to impatience. The second was to a lie so dense we couldn’t work our way through it, and the third time — this time — I’ve lost her to Noah”


Caleb and Olivia met under a tree 10 years ago and they have been obsessed with each other ever since that day. This is the third and final book in this messy love affair and it was a GOOD one to end this series on! This isn't a pretty little love story wrapped in a shiny little box with a's messy all the way around!! But it's soooooo good!! I may repeat that few times!!


They have both lied, cheated, manipulated, they have loved others but it never fails they can't stay away from each other's an obsession and one they will never get away from.


“I’ve rarely found a woman who I actually think is interesting. I like her darkness, her ever present sarcasm, the way she makes me work for every smile — every kiss. I like how strong she is, how hard she fights for things. I love how weak I make her. I might be her only weakness. I earned that spot and I very much want to keep it”


They come together and something always tears them apart.However Caleb is done he is ready to fight for the woman that he's been in love with for 10 years!!!! That's right Caleb....FIGHT for her!!!!!!


“My competition is good. Undoubtedly he’s never lied to her, broken her heart or married another woman to spite her. But she’s mine, and I’m not giving her up without a fight this time”


Will he get his girl or will fate just keep pulling them away?They both love each other deeply but so much has happened between them......will they ever make it?


Let's hope love is enough...but to quote this book....."Love is mean, but it's good."


This book is written from Caleb POV which a bonus in itself!!!!This book was soooooooooo good, a perfect ending to this f'ed up triangle....well square I guess!!!!!!!!!!  Read this book immediately but only if you've read the other books first...I love Caleb!! I'm sad that it's the end though....I can't wait to read more by this author!!!

The Screamers - KiyaRaven Another GREAT fanfic!!!!!!! This one was quirky, funny and hilarious!!!! It's looooonnnnnggggggggggg but very cute and a definite laugh out loud book. Some parts got a little repetitive but it was a great read!!!!Homeless person meets a Rock God.....on accident of course and she turns HIS world upside down!!!! I'm not going to write a big long review for this one but it was good!!!!!Rock on Piss-Girl.......I love it!!!!!!
Dazzled - Jane Harvey-Berrick daz·zle 1. To dim the vision of, especially to blind with intense light.2. To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular displayNot so sure I was Dazzled but I can't really say I didn't like it either.....I'm just some where in between. And for some reason the in between books are the hardest for me to write reviews for......while you don't love them you don't hate them by any means!This a book about childhood best friends, Clare and Miles.Miles is an actor he lives in London, which is where he grew up but he's moving to America to persue his film career. He manages to land a huge film role and skyrockets to fame. Only problem with Miles is he's completely insecure and unsure of his new lifestyle. So he calls Clare to come and stay with him over the summer because she has a calming effect on him. Clare is a quirky, curvy, and witty college student and Mile's best friend. They grew up next door to each other and have been friends....a LONG time. Clare generally speaks her mind about everything except her love for her best friend. That she keeps to herself because why would her gorgeous BFF want her?Or so she thinks.....could he love her too? Read it and find OUT!!!!!They are both British....their comparisons of British and American terms and just the American lifestyle in general compared to their own had me cracking UP!!!!However as far as my general opinion of this book....YEA no I wasn't Dazzled. It was a sweet easy read for me.I mean saccharin STICKY sweet with RAINBOWS shooting out of it. And there my friends lies the issue of why I wasn't Dazzled....I'm not a huge fan of sweet books. So it's a ME problem not a book problem.Another issue I had....I felt like Miles needed a more of a backbone. He was just so insecure and I know in real life it would be completely normal and plausible for anyone male or female to feel the way he did but this is fiction and I like my men a tad more alpha...hey it's just me!Let me say that if you are a fan of sweet books I honestly think YOU would love this book!!!!. These are just personal issues, the book is well written and definitely worth a try if you like this genre!!! This author wrote one of my most favorite books, [b:The Education of Caroline|17229636|The Education of Caroline (The Education of..., #2)|Jane Harvey-Berrick||23744006], so trust me when I say her writing is GREAT!A bonus in this book is you get dual POV's......I LOVED that!!!!!**arc provide by the author's agent, Lisa Ashmore, for a honest review**
Revelry - TeamBella23 "It's a f*cked up feeling to love someone so f*cking much that you let them f*ck with your head in order to save theirs."This book is not an easy read it's cruel and harsh.....but it's real and that's why I LOVE it!!It's a boy meets girl book and they fall in love, they use each other and form a tight bond to make up for the lack of affection they receive from their rich parents.Now I say boy meets girl and falls in sounds sweet...huh?It's not!!! Their story is far from shows how recreational drug use can eventually turn you into a monster and YOU will destroy everything in your life. E's demon was a bitch.....constantly calling his name....."It's a beautiful creature really, so f*cking enticing. Cocaine is the sweetest whore, a fucking home wrecking slut but she is beautiful and a small part of me will always love the murderous bitch. Coke was there for me in the sickest f*cking way. I might always be grateful to her for that."The only thing he loved more, was Bella, she was his obsession....and Bella's obsession was Edward!! They live and breathe for each other but they also destroy one another at the same time.However B isn't innocent in this either she's a cutter, and she uses it to control him. “People have strong feelings against self-injurers.......There is something beautiful about scars of all nature… a scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed and done with.”He's the only one that knows she does this......and it tears him apart. He uses the drugs to escape and the cycle begins!I could go on and on about's by far one of the best books I've read!!! It's tragic and beautiful at the same time.These two are soul mates...even through all the shit that they suffered they were always "home" when they were together. This book has such a beautiful proves that people can go through the bad shit and still come out HARMED but's just perfect!!! The ending isn't over the top but it's just as it should REAL life....a struggle but a good one!!Healed but not perfect....but nobody is perfect!This a note from the me if you can't tolerate what she wrote do not read this book!!"If you have a problem with rough sex, drug use, crude language, cutting, death, or stepmoms fucking their stepsons, move on. Seriously, I took the abuse with Closer but I will not take it here. Revelry and my other two stories are for the hard core, we don't play with bullshit here. We all appreciate a little romance, but we won't be looking at the stars at the same time around here. So there is your warning, take it or leave it"
Trippin Slippin Stumbletumblin - YellowGlue "rated M for sex, drugs, and violence that's your one and only warning. heed that shit."YES!!!!!!!!!!!


Dusty - YellowBella,  TeamBella23,  YellowGlue "Our love is not perfect. Our love is f*cked up and bleeding, but it's the most precious thing in my entire life. I treat it like shit, but it is what it is, and neither one of us is powerful enough to walk away from it like we should."This book is about obsession........two people so obsessed with each other that they ruin EVERYthing and EVERYone they come in contact with.They've been doing it for years and years.......LIES upon LIES......This book is CRAZY!!!!! CRAZY good....CRAZY bad...CRAZY messed up...CRAZY in love...CRAZY destructive...CRAZY angsty!!!!FYI........This book is the MOTHER LOAD of ANGST!!!!! I HATE this book...............but I LOVE it at the same time!!!!!!! I feel like this book and these characters have crawled inside me and now take up residence within me!!!! It's soooooo consuming!!!! It's a Twilight shouldn't be this crazy and consuming....however only the names are the same. NOTHING ELSE!This book is AMAZING.......this book SUCKS!!!!!!!I realize that it's confusing but that's how I felt the entire time reading made me sick at times but I COULDN'T STOP!!!!!! This book is about RUIN....How drugs and lies and deceit will ruin you..........eventually. How they corrupt everything in their path of destruction. This book is about choices.........some people make good choices and others DON'T!!!I hate this book. I LOVE this book. This is probably one of the best books I've read in a LONG time!!!!! But I hate I love it!!!1700 pages later and I wish I was still reading it.....I didn't want it to END!!!!!!!!OMG it's a YouTube video about this book......PERFECT!

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Wide Awake