Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding #3) - K.A. Linde

Avoiding Temptation (Avoiding, #3)Avoiding Temptation by K.A. Linde
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"People come in and out of your life all the time. They shape and mold you like clay, and then the water washes away the edges."

All of these characters....Lexi, Jack, Ramsey and John all hold a little piece of my heart. I like them ALL for different reasons and through out this series they have also pissed me off for different reasons. However I have always loved them through everything. Triangles are a tough read sometimes because she can only pick ONE...unless you get lucky with a ménage someone is going to lose! Honestly it may not be the ONE you choose but on the flip side your man MIGHT win!

Now my question is why would you rate it a 1 star just because your MAN didn't win?

We all knew that was a possibility when we started this series so why are we shocked now?

Did Lexi end up with the one I wanted?

I'm not telling because I don't want to spoiler this for anyone. If you like angsty emotional reads this series is for YOU!!!. But go into it knowing that your team may lose:(

I personally like triangles for the BIG emotions they invoke in the reader and I think this series and this book DEFINITELY delivered on that aspect.

With that said, all I can tell you is I truly love this series and this author! My heart went out to both Ramsey and Jack in this book! This series was a great emotional rollercoaster and I LOVED it and I'm soooooo happy I read it!!

Give it a chance people you might like it but remember only ONE will win here and it might not be who you choose.

Is that fair? NO but that is the kind of book this is....bottom line!

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