Double Time: Sinners on Tour

Double Time - Olivia Cunning I'm a little conflicted about this book, it was just an ok read for me. It's partly my fault though because I had such high expectations for this book because I love Trey! The story felt rushed, I never felt a connection to just seemed like he was thrown in the mix because Trey was bisexual. I liked Reagan at the beginning of the book but towards the end she just didn't seem like the same character to me. It seemed she was just grasping at straws to keep Trey in her life. Then, Brian, the love of his life is replaced in days and the convo they had barely covered 2 just didn't seem to fit. Overall I'm glad I read it and I am being a little over critical because Trey was my fav! This always seems to happen to me when I love a character their books never seem to be enough for me....I guess I set my own self up for failure.